Friday 2 May 2014

A break down of the categories:

For the History and JW specific doctrinal issues please see the previous post for a more in depth break down.

The rest are small categories of reading resources that have been put together to help EXJWs survive on the outside and broaden their knowledge from more than what the GB teaches

The works of Richard Dawkins -
The Greatest Show on Earth; The God Delusion
Selfish Gene, Blind Watchmaker; Ancestors Tale
Extended Phenotype, Devils Chaplain, Unweaving the Rainbow

Some more books to help you learn the things we were denied inside are:
Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species
Brian Greene - The Hidden Reality Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos              
                     - The Elegant Universe
Carl Sagan   - Cosmos
                    - The Demon Haunted World
                    - Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
                    - The Dragons of Eden
Bart D Ehrman is a scholar in ancient languages and has written some very interesting books on the Bible and it's authors. This was very eye opening and goes very much against what JWs were taught about the bible.
His titles include: Misquoting Jesus; Forged; How Jesus became God; John Jesus and History
The New Testament - A Historical Introduction, The Other Gospels, The Apocryphal Gospels and
Truth & Fiction in the Da Vinci Code

Being Shunned as an EXJW can leave you without the tools to function in normal society. These are some classic books that served me well with practical ideas on organizing your life, making friends, changing your thinking and getting ahead.
The titles I've included in this list are:
How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R Covey
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
Malcolm Gladwell -
Outliers, Blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, The Tipping Point
David & Goliath - Underdogs, Misfits & the Art of Battling Giants

Money and Economics - JWs are told to ignore money as they will not grow old. They have been saying similar things to people for over 120 years, meaning that many did get old and as the Society won't look after them, they are left living their final years in poverty. I found these books can give you a good place to start learning about money and the economy:
Robert T Kiyosaki - Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert Kiyosaki   - Why A Students Work for C Students
Richard Branson   - Losing My Virginity
Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner - Freakonomics expanded
                                                  - Superfreakonomics
Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder - The Snowball

For the Budding Atheist I have included 2 books by Christopher Hitchens. Interesting reads no matter what you believe about God:  God is not great & the Portable atheist

Sex & Relationships
Most of us, especially if raised in the JW cult, have very little experience dealing with sex and relationships outside the Society. Hopefully these books are a start.
In the Sex and relationships list I have included:
The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman
The Joy of Sex - Ultimate edition
100 Great Sex Games for Couples....and for those who found their sexuality forbidden I have included these titles in the LGBT EXJWs reading list as a start:
The Joy Of Gay Sex
Inside & Outcast, Multifaceted Stigma in the lives of Gay & Lesbian JWs
and a movie:
Prayers for Bobby - IMdB info

True story of Mary Griffith, gay rights crusader, whose teenage son committed suicide due to her religious intolerance. Based on the book of the same title by Leroy F Aarons.

I couldn't get the book so this was the next best thing....warning: very emotional

Carl Gustav Jung did a lot of research, study and writing about the subconscious. I find his works explained to me much about my psyche. It is heavy reading so I suggest that anyone new to Jung start with Man & his symbols. The Books included in this list:
Man & his symbols - a good introduction
Quotations, Seven [7] Sermons to the dead, The Red Book, The Association Method
The Spiritual problem or Modern Man, AION - Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Freud and Psychoanalysis, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Psychology & Religion, Psychology of the Unconscious 1916 & 1949
The Practice of Psychotherapy, Theory of Psychoanalysis
The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga, Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology
Contributions to Analytical Psychology, Psychological Types, Studies in Word Association
The Psychology of Dementia Praecox [Schizophrenia], Crystalinks

Plus a few more specific titles relating to what JWs believe and how some try to counter them:
Miller, John C.  Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses
Metzger, Bruce M. The Jehovah's Witnesses & Jesus Christ
Jehovah's Witnesses & Watchtower Doctrine Analysis - Essay -
Belief vs Fact, Smoking, 607 BCE, 144000, What constitutes false prophecy, the Faithful & discreet slave
New Light or Bad Light  - A look at "new light" from the faithful & discrete slave.

This is the list as it stands so far but there is more to add so check back again soon.

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