Wednesday 30 April 2014

The JW specific reading list

Most of the books / papers / essays in this category deal specifically with issues uniquely JW. Though similar themes are found throughout most EXJW survival tales, every individual takes their own path to recovery.

The control of the Governing Body is absolute. All must believe what they teach, even if it is proven to be wrong. People who may be right, are called prideful and rebellious if they promote or even converse with others, about ideas contrary to what the G.B teaches. If the G.B later reaches the same conclusion, anyone "disfellowshipped" for believing an idea before the G.B approved it are not automatically "reinstated" or pardoned, and there is no apology to anyone who may have faced hardships due to restrictions made by the Governing Body after they reverse or change a restriction.

During the Walsh trial in Scotland, the future President of the Society and member of the "Governing Body", admitted under oath, that the watchtower has printed false prophecy and that unity is more important than truth.
You can read a copy of the transcript along with some typed out excerpts of key points, so as to make them easier to read, from here. <- I will find another place to host soon.

I also found the books by Raymond Franz  to be quite interesting as he had a rather unique perspective on the organisation as he was a member of the governing body, on the writing committee and the nephew of Fred Franz, who eventually became a president of the watchtower society, back when that meant something.
Crisis of Conscience tells his story starting from early life as a zealous Jehovah's Witness. This is by a man who clearly still has a strong faith in God but not in earthly organisations. The second book "In Search of Christian Freedom" explores worshiping God without religion, but rather on a personal level.

The Gentile Times Reconsidered  is mentioned in Crisis of Conscience and is an interesting read as to how the chronology that led the JWs to 1914 doesn't fit with history. This books takes a closer look at 607 BCE.

There is also some great drama in The 1917 Bible Students Schism between Rutherford and those who wanted the Watchtower to be run according the Russell wishes as expressed in his will. It follows the accounts as published by both sides.

I have included Comfort for the Jews by Rutherford to show just how inaccurate every prophecy made by the Watchtower Society has failed to come true....every single one. Also a paper examining a number of Misquotes by the Watchtower Society, used to support their teachings.

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