Wednesday 28 May 2014

Time to fill your mind and think for yourself

After finding yourself shunned from your friends and family, it is hard to know how to cope and what to do as an EXJW. I have been down this road myself and 15 years on I am still enjoying my free mind.

I have put together a reading list of books that I wish I had read earlier, all of which helped me in some way. I was also lucky to work in a big bookstore, so while I didn't have friends and family around me, I still had advice and experiences of others to help me. Although finding out the truth about "the Truth" can be a painful experience, I believe it is worth the price. Hopefully some of these books resonate with you and help you on your lonely journey towards truth.

Some books are based on the History and Problems of the JW's as it was good to get my eyes opened completely once I left. The control they have over you is quite insidious and can be affecting you in ways you can't see, for years after you leave. This is without any extra harm that many have had to face, dealing with abuse, pedophilia or condemnation of their sexuality.

I have grouped the books into categories that cover things like science, psychology, philosophy and some fiction to name a few.

One of the most interesting pieces I have read on the History of the Jehovah's Witnesses was this piece by Maurice Barnett. The first 2 sections are particularly of interest with lots of references to the legal cases in which the JW's were embroiled and some interesting facts about the Presidents of the Watchtower Society. Many teachings that were professed by "God's Faithful and Discreet slave" would get a modern day JW excommunicated for heresy.....or as they would put it in their own language; Disfellowshipped for apostasy.

In the post below you will find a breakdown and description of the titles in each category.

 Pastor Russells Headstone and Pyramid Memorial - from Jehovah's Witnesses by Maurice Barnett.

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